Thoughts: The 2 Revivals Before Us / by Eric Keener


Greetings Trusted Brothers and Sisters.

In considering the two revivals before us, the Hwy 101/Hispanic Servant and the Hwy 1/Educational, I believe The Lord is calling us to press in two ways:

1.  Prayer  We know it always starts, is bathed and is sustained by prayer.  This year, we have been praying Acts 1:8, Jerusalem = Salinas; Judea = Our Region; Samaria = The United States; The World = Israel.  These are the starting points from where The Lord directs us each week.  We now need to unite and press in over these two revivals.

2.  Clear the Decks  Both areas are reaching a "critical mass" of blessings and curses:

Blessings in that The Lord has given this city and region great favor in that we are being covered or "umbrella-ed" in such a way by Holy Spirit that we see what is to come and we experience direct fruit during a time of great national and international turmoil.  We are seeing results, an affirmation from The Lord whereby we know this vision is true and is from Him.  We are seeing a change in pastors that lead to life...we are seeing a change in congregations that lead to life...we are seeing a change in the marketplace that leads to life...God now wants this to move from silo's to the mainstream.

Curses in that our farm workers, maids, cooks, dishwashers, greens keepers, retail workers, fast food workers, the incarcerated, the addicted, etc., are just fully dismissed by our society.  In addition, they are held in such a grip of fear most can barely allow their children to leave the house due to the angst of school and spectre of being deported.  Our "laws" are pitting family member against family member.  We are in the midst of a civil war and the enemy has influenced "religion" to be a willing partner in this war.

Regarding our higher educational institutions, I just read the results of a survey this morning where "148 colleges and universities  (Out of 446, or 33%“maintain severely restrictive, ‘red light’ speech codes that clearly and substantially prohibit constitutionally protected speech."  This is a review of (published) speech codes by the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE).  "Another 263 colleges and universities (59%) earned a Yellow Light rating. FIRE defines a “yellow light institution” as one that “maintains policies that could be interpreted to suppress protected speech or policies that, while clearly restricting freedom of speech, restrict only narrow categories of speech."

Once again, we see that the real prisons are incarcerating our servants and our students.

Only God can rectify this sin through Jesus' Work on the Cross.
