Thoughts: I AM Statements / by Eric Keener



Good Morning Friends,

This morning Oswald talked from John 16:23 about having no need to ask God of anything ( not there by any means, I'm holding close to my heart that experience of "not worry(ing) about how or what you are to say; for it will be given you in that hour what you are to say." (Matt 10:19)

Granted, this is when you are arrested and brought before the rulers, but I believe it's an everyday principle and you've heard me excitedly proffer how The Lord would show up every time we ministered in Ensenada.

This past Thursday, Jan and I were at Community Group, with Ron Fergason (NAPA) leading us on the "I AM's".  We were working through those statements we align with Jesus proclaiming His Diety (John 8:58), vs just saying something like "I'M going to the store).  In John 8:58, Jesus says, "Abraham was born, I AM."  Here, instead of "I'M going to the store's" Greek, eimi (First person singular present indicative...phew!), Jesus says ego eimi, or, I, I AM PRESENT.  I went through my Bible once and sorted out a lot of the I AM statements to reflect I'm or I, I AM.

We were getting into the weeds a bit here (And I will be landing the plane soon!) trying to sort the two positional statements and I blurted out something like, "Well, remember when the Burning Bush declared that I AM WHO I AM? (Ex 3:14).  It's the same 2 words in the Septuagint (The Greek "Old Testament" written as early as the 3rd Century before Jesus) as in the New Testament (Ex 3:14 vs John 8:58).

Here's where it was fun for me as I didn't know what I was saying, only what came "into my head"!

Of course, still having remnants of "evangelical gnosticism" floating in my brain, I needed to "fact check after the fact" and sure enough I discovered they were the same words and Holy Spirit put them into my mouth!  Thank you Lord for trusting me... 

P.S.  I also found out that Isaiah 7:14's "virgin" is the same word as used in Matthew 1:23!
